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EYFS Curriculum



At Thorpedene Nursery, we provide a stimulating environment both indoors and outdoors for the children to learn and develop skills through following the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. We have two classrooms; Chicks Class for two to three Year Olds and the Ducklings Class for Three to Four year olds. Our staff are experienced in working with children for all ages and always seek to provide the children with a ‘home away from home’ environment. We are a purpose built Nursery, the children enjoy free flow between each rooms and also have access to our own garden. At Thorpedene Nursery our children are confident and happy children!

At Thorpedene Nursery we follow the seven learning areas of EYFS curriculum which are:  Communication & Language, Physical Development, Personal Social & Emotional Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Art & Design, meaning your children are provided with the very best start to their education.

Link for parents:


At Thorpedene Nursery we use a secure online Learning Journal website called Tapestry to record the children’s learning through photos and observations. Practitioners are able to add observations and photos of the children. These will be added primarily by each child’s key person and class teacher who will be following their progress and development throughout their time in Nursery.

Parents/carers will be able to add their own observations that they see at home to aid their child’s learning and development at Nursery.

The child’s key person will complete next steps alongside the children’s Learning Journey to help support progression throughout their time at Nursery.

The key person and class teacher will liaise with outside agencies if they feel the child will benefit from an outside professional guidance and support in some areas of the child’s learning with consent from parents/carers.